Friday 1 May 2015

Mikhail Lomonosov

April 15 marked 250 years since the death of Mikhail Lomonosov (1711-1765), the Russian scientist, poet and progressive thinker. Raised in the family of sailor and tradesman, young man was not formally allowed to enrol to school. Against parental will, young Michail went through all impossible ways to enter formal education, including passport fraud, when he had to claim to be a son of priest. His interest to understand things and forces of mother nature was stronger than any barriers on his way to learning.

I think it is important to mark the date and recollect the extraordinary figure of Lomonosov, the founder of Russian fundamental science, statesman and public figure of XVIII century. To understand his significance for Russia it is enough to mention that he founded the Moscow University and the Russian Academy of Sciences, highly reputable academic establishments to date. Scientific discoveries and studies by Lomonosov enriched several scholarly fields. Among these are the atomic-molecular understanding of the structure of matter, the principle of conservation of matter and motion, the foundations of physical chemistry, atmospheric electricity and gravity. Lomonosov have created a number of optical devices, discovered the atmosphere of the planet Venus, described the Earth structure, explained the origin of many minerals. He revived the art of mosaic and production of glazes. Lomonosov authored works on Russian history and wrote philosophical odes, poems, poetic messages, tragedies, satires, philological works and scientific grammar of Russian language. He was one of the greatest poets of his times.

Lomonosov was most patriotic and passionate about his country and its people. He was truly a global figure in Russian history, and science in particular. Inspired by the character of Peter the Great, he put enormous effort and achieved immeasurable outcomes for Russia, which we still benefit from. I believe the relevance of Lomonosov's patriotism and concern for Russia to modern times, and his very character, need to be better understood and applied by those in power today. By those who are in charge for education, science, people welfare, but particularly by those who facilitated privatisation of natural resources wealth at the turbulent times of transition to 'capitalist' economy and those few who sustain and benefit from it today. I am most certain that Lomonosov would be quite angry to see it happening.

[Privatisation in Russia is described in impressive degree of detail by Paul Khlebnikov, see his interview at]

'О вы, которых ожидает
Отечество от недр своих
И видеть таковых желает,
Каких зовет от стран чужих,
О, ваши дни благословенны!
Дерзайте ныне ободренны
Раченьем вашим показать,
Что может собственных Платонов
И быстрых разумом Невтонов
Российская земля рождать.

Науки юношей питают,
Отраду старым подают,
В счастливой жизни украшают,
В несчастной случай берегут;
В домашних трудностях утеха
И в дальних странствах не помеха.
Науки пользуют везде,
Среди народов и в пустыне,
В градском шуму и наедине,
В покое сладки и в труде.

М.В. Ломоносов. Ода на день восшествия на престол императрицы Елисаветы Петровны (1747).

Monday 27 April 2015

Добро пожаловать!

I never ever had my own blog.

In my life I have an ambition to try everything, except criminal activity and practising criminal law, parachute jumping, drugs and controversial foods.

I met two people recently who write their blogs: beautiful young woman of incredible heart and potential, and mature man of exceptional mind writing about the most worthy, but least prioritised cause of modern humanity.  Both are quite inspirational in their writing!

So I though to myself: let's give this blogging activity a go. I love to learn, do and develop new things.

The blog, in principle, has to share author's passion, ambition or promote business. My passion, out of many many others, is my homeland called Russia and all associated with it: history, literature, society and people - famous and not, culture, and even political situation.

I aim to have a couple of posts per year, but I may overdo myself at times. I intend to write reflective pieces connected with events, names, human stories associated with Russia. I don't claim to illustrate anything objectively, because, as every Russian, I am biased about my motherland.

I am not writing for a large audience, I am realistic on that: who has time for my reflective thinking out loud. I am rather writing to/for myself, because I love the expressive power of written word and  I enjoy writing and upgrading my English vocabulary with new words, which like colours for artist reflect my feelings or thoughts so right.

If an odd Internet browser finds her/himself on my page, I hope s/he feels welcome. If s/he leaves a note for me, even better.

For now, добро пожаловать! :-)